Vollstreckungsankündigung GEZ und Ausländischer Student wohnt in Wohngemeinschaft

25. August 2015 Thema abonnieren
(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)
Vollstreckungsankündigung GEZ und Ausländischer Student wohnt in Wohngemeinschaft

Dear Lawyers,
first sorry for writing in English as my German is not good. I got a letter last week from Stadtkasse that I have to pay about 350 euro from 1.14 to 3.15 for the GEZ.
I am a foreigner graduate student from a poor development country. I have a simple scholarship from my government (700 euro/month) that covers my life and university expenses. Does this allow me to get exemption from GEZ fees?
I also lived in three different shared flats last year with other students. I have no contact to the other students who moved out so I can not ask them to share the cost with me. Moreover, I didn't get any previous notice from GEZ before and I didn't know about it. I went today to Stadtkasse but the person there told me to solve the problem with GEZ within 3 weeks. I sent emails to GEZ and called many times no one replied.
I found it not fair that I have to pay the whole fees for everyone in addition to penalties for something I didn't know about. What should I do? Your advice and suggestion are appreciated.
Have a nice day!

-- Editier von ibr am 25.08.2015 17:29

Gebühren zahlen?

Gebühren zahlen?

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Ein erfahrener Anwalt im Verwaltungsrecht gibt Ihnen eine vertrauliche kostenlose Einschätzung!
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12 Antworten
(32904 Beiträge, 17275x hilfreich)

Does this allow me to get exemption from GEZ fees? No.
What should I do? Pay and ask the others to pay her part to you then.

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)


1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(1746 Beiträge, 618x hilfreich)

Just a short explanation to the short reply from muemmel:

The liability for the GEZ fees is joint and several, means that GEZ can select which household member should have to pay for a certain household. It's the responsibility of the selected household member to handle any kind of internal splitting between household members.

So if GEZ selected you, you'll have to pay.

Only way out would be to provide evidence that for each of your previous shared flats GEZ fees had already been paid by another household member. Since it's unlikely that you'll be able to proof this, we are again back to the situation that you'll have to pay. And of course you can start to argue why you did not get any notice before, however this will in best case just delay next steps.

If you don't pay they'll start collection activities including sequestration. There might be nothing to be collected from you, however it will add some discomfort like statuatory declaration including a bad credit report for several years.


Meine persönliche Meinung

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)

Thanks for clarification. I still find GEZ way is very unfair. Some of my ex-flatmates were smart and didn't register at all with our address. I am wondering now if one of them hid my GEZ posts to put me in trouble. I have to pay about 100 euro penalties :(
Also, how GEZ know that there are two or more flats in the same address??? I wonder if I pay then one of my other ex-flatmates also paid.

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

(3142 Beiträge, 3485x hilfreich)


3x Hilfreiche Antwort

(16 Beiträge, 8x hilfreich)

Sorry about your circumstances! But you have to pay the ARD/ZDF Gebühren. It doesn't depend on your financial circuimstances.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)

Thanks for participation. I still don't understand something. I moved to shared flats which had already people lived there, why GEZ didn't charge one of them before???? It looks like I was the last one who moved in and I have to pay for them???

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

(32904 Beiträge, 17275x hilfreich)

why GEZ didn't charge one of them before???? The name is Beitragsservice, not GEZ. And they can select somebody. It is totally useless to discuss why they select you - they have the right to do so.

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)

I am not asking why they selected me. I am asking why they didn't select someone before me. No one paid for months and they waited until I move in then they selected me. I am talking about three different shared flats and I have the same situation. I find this totally unfair :( .

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

(1449 Beiträge, 508x hilfreich)

You can also discuss "why ist the heaven blue instead of red" - it´s also useless.
You can accept national home and pay or go to court and pay more and more.

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

Harry van Sell
(120328 Beiträge, 39874x hilfreich)

I find this totally unfair

Life is not fair, quests are not easy, battles are not always won.

When you moved in, the Beitragsservice got your data automatically. From government-owned departments, from your landlord, ...


Meine persönliche Meinung/Interpretation!
Im übrigen verweise ich auf § 675 Abs. 2 BGB

1x Hilfreiche Antwort

(6 Beiträge, 9x hilfreich)

Life is fair, it is just some people make "unfair" stuff.
Thanks for all participants.

2x Hilfreiche Antwort

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