Theft in Germany

19. Juni 2017 Thema abonnieren
(1 Beiträge, 0x hilfreich)
Theft in Germany

Hi all I'm writing here today because I committed an embarrassing and stupid act of theft. I was caught stealing a soccer ball (89€) and a pair of 10€ shorts from Karl Stadt and afterwards i gave them my information and went home. I am wondering what my consequences will be? For one I hope my attempt for a student visa doesn't get revoked, I have an appointment in two weeks. Secondly I hope this doesn't go on my permenant record because I would really like to move to Germany and work full time. If anyone can tell me how the german government handles this type of thing, please comment

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Notfall oder generelle Fragen?

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Ein erfahrener Anwalt gibt Ihnen eine vertrauliche kostenlose Einschätzung!
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2 Antworten
(38470 Beiträge, 14009x hilfreich)

Assuming, as a student in Germany you understand our language, I will answer in German.

Über die Folgen können wir hier nichts sagen. Es kann zu einer Einstellung des Verfahrens kommen, es kann auch im schriftlichen Verfahren eine Geldstrafe verhängt werden. Erst wenn das Strafverfahren abgeschlossen ist, kann man über Auswirkungen auf das Studium, die spätere Arbeit spekulieren.


0x Hilfreiche Antwort

(30226 Beiträge, 9522x hilfreich)

For one I hope my attempt for a student visa doesn't get revoked

This time it won't, if that is your first offense in Germany. But generally a student-visa can be easily revoke if the holder violates the law.

Secondly I hope this doesn't go on my permenant record

No, it will not go to the so called "Führungszeugnis" (certificate of good conduct) if it is your 1st offense
In the worst case it will go to the so called "Bundeszentralregister" (central criminal register) for 5 years.

Further informations (engl.) :

And the foreigeners office ("Ausländerbehörde") will be inform about your offense on the basis of the so called "MiStra" (-law) / Law about notification in criminal matters.

The next(!) offense could mean your expulsion.

-- Editiert von !!Streetworker!! am 19.06.2017 20:40

0x Hilfreiche Antwort

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